
In Year 6 the children have a range of homework, some of which they will bring home and some of which they can access online.

  • Reading – This should be done daily and recorded in their Reading Record
  • Spellings – These are posted on the school website weekly and tested on a Friday
  • Mathletics – All children have a log in to support their learning in school
  • SPAG.com – All children have a log in to support their learning in school
  • Comprehension – All children have weekly comprehensions which are due in on a Wednesday

Willow – Homework – 14.1.22

Good afternoon,

Homework this half-term will follow the same pattern as last term. The children will have a piece related to maths and a piece related to English. It will be given on a Friday and needs to be returned by the following Thursday.

Maths Challenge

The children have written 4 fractions in their books (1/4, 3/4, 2/5, 7/8) they then need to think of a number to find that fraction of. The children are choosing their own numbers based on how confident they feel.

e.g. Easier one: 1/4 of 8, or a harder one 1/4 of 92

English Challenge

The children have to write a story about a turtle. They need to use at least 8 modal verbs (which need to be underlined/highlighted). I expect the quality of the story to reflect what they would produce in class.

If there are any questions please email me,

Mr Reynolds

Willow – Homework – 26.11.21

Good afternoon,

Mathematic Problem

You need to get a piece of paper (any size) and fold it in half as many times as possible, whilst recording in your book the new fraction you get it each time. When you can’t fold it anymore, unfold it all and colour in one of the sections. Then pop into your homework book so we can discuss it next week.

English Challenge

Create your own character. Draw them in your book and label their features using your descriptive vocabulary (extended noun phrase, figurative language, senses).

I look forward to seeing how you get on,

Mr Reynolds

Willow – Homework – 19.11.21

Good afternoon,

Another week of some very impressive homework, please keep it up! This week:

Mathematic Problem:

Find 4 equivalent fractions for:




English Challenge:

Continuing with the descriptive theme, this week the children need to think of a character that they have read in a book and write a description of them – making sure it as good as what they produced in class this week. They can also draw a picture of the character if they wish.

I look forward to reading about the range of interesting character descriptions,

Mr Reynolds