Free School Meal Vouchers

The half term free school meal vouchers have been issued today, if your child is eligible for free school meals and you do not receive your voucher via email please contact the office by Friday morning 9am at the latest. We unfortunately will not be able to assist you after this point.

Sycamore Class Newsletter 3.2.2023

A huge well done to all the children for working hard in swimming. It was our last lesson today. The children have grown in confidence in the water and have tried hard. A big well fine too; Mariana, Frankie, Olivia and Indie, who swam 25m on their front and back.

Our Golden Certificate winner this week is Ethan. He had worked really hard these last 5 weeks in swimming and has made good progress. Well done, Ethan.

This week in English, we have been looking at the features of explanation texts. We have learnt about chronological order and paragraphs. We have also asked questions about the mummification process and used books and Ipads as a research tool to answer them.

In Maths, we finished our unit on multiplication at the start of the week and then started to look at length and perimeter. We have been measuring in kilometers and meters and converting between different units of measure.

This week in RE, the children enjoyed finding out the Hindi celebration Holi and creating a  t-shirt to show what happens at Holi.

This afternoon the children enjoyed looking at a play ‘A Glint of Gold’ which will be doing next half term with Year 3 for our production. Today, we have sent some children home with scripts to learn lines ready. If your child hasn’t come home with a script, this is because they have a singing role.

Thank you for all those that have already returned in parents evening slips. If you haven’t done yet, please bring them in as so soon as possible, so we can sort a time for you. Thank you.

Hope you have a great weekend.

Mrs Fairclough, Miss Shadbolt and Mrs Davies