
Hopefully you have all received a text to say that tomorrow is non-uniform day. It will be very hot so please ensure children have a water bottle and sun cream is applied before school.

We are having a little celebration end of year party and the children will have a few things to bring home on their final day so please ensure they have a bag to take them home in.

Thank you!

Beech Class Weekly News 21.06.2024

What a super week we have had reading the story “Superworm” by Julia Donaldson. The children have had a fab time writing about what they would do if they had their very own Superworm as well as drawing and writing about their own super-base.

The children have been learning all about earthworms and why they are great helpers in the garden. They have worked with a friends to make a wormery, which will they will closely monitor over the next week or two.

In the craft area they have created their own superworms using playdoh before creating them with salt dough at the end of the week.

Thank you to everyone who came along to support the children on Tuesday, for sports day. We hope you enjoyed the morning and I’m sure you were as proud of them as we are.

Next week, PE will be on Friday as normal. Please ensure children come to school wearing their PE kits that day.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Jones and Mrs. Kenny.