
Hopefully you have all received a text to say that tomorrow is non-uniform day. It will be very hot so please ensure children have a water bottle and sun cream is applied before school.

We are having a little celebration end of year party and the children will have a few things to bring home on their final day so please ensure they have a bag to take them home in.

Thank you!

Beech Weekly Newsletter 19.4.24

We have had a super week this week reading the book ‘Commotion in the Ocean’, learning about different sea creatures and working on our rhyming skills. The children have drawn their favourite creature from the story and written some magic rhyming words. They also drew their own deep sea creatures and wrote about them.

In Phonics we have revisited the sounds ai, igh, oa, and oo (the long and the short sounds) and continued working on recognising them in words and improving their fluency. Next week we will continue our revision of Phase 3 looking at the sounds ar, or, air, ur and oi before moving on to Phase 4.

In Maths we have completed our unit ‘To 20 and beyond’ and the children have been exploring number patterns, counting verbally up to 100 and finding numerals on a hundred square as well as building the numbers and identifying the tens and ones. As they’ve been catching the sea creatures in the water, they’ve practiced placing them in ten frames to work out how many they caught rather than having to count them all. Even if they can’t quite remember the number name they have been brilliant at recognising that it’s 4 tens and 3 or 3 tens and 8 etc.

The children have also enjoyed improving their fine motor skills making jellyfish this week and creating magic crayon drawings that appeared when painted over!

Please remember to check in on Tapestry to see what the children have been up to. If you are having any issues accessing your account please let me know via the class email so I can help resolve it.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Jones & Mrs Kenny