Elm Newsletter 10.3.23

Apologies for the late newsletter, the snow days were a little disruptive!

The children enjoyed learning to use possessive apostrophes in sentences. We looked at lots of book titles which had possessive apostrophes too: Fig’s Giant, Spike’s Best Nest, Tiny’s Big Wish, Toffee’s Friend…

This week we are learning to use adverbs to make our writing more interesting. Adverbs describe how (clap loudly), when (clap later) and where (clap outside) actions are done. We have also seen that some sentences can start with an adverb. ‘Suddenly, the rocket zoomed into the sky.’

We are continuing our learning about fractions. We are quite confident at finding 1/2 (half) of a number or shape. Now we need to learn how to find 1/4 (quarter) of a number.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Dowell and Mrs Armstrong

Chestnut Weekly News 10.3.23

Wow! What a strange week.  I know we were all excited for some snow to play in, but I don’t think we expected quite so much.  I hope you have been able to have lots of snowy fun.  Send your photos to chestnut@crowmoorschool.co.uk so that we can share them with your friends.

In the few days we were at school, we had a busy time retelling our class text – ‘Lost and Found’, using story language and hot seating the characters.  We will continue this next week and look at definitions of some of our interesting words from the text.

In Maths we have continued to learn about place value to 50 and how numbers are made up.  We have been making numbers, finding one more or one less and ordering within 50.

In Science we are continuing to learn about plants and their life cycle.  We will be planting seeds and exploring the school grounds as part of our work.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and don’t forget to read and practise your phonics!

Miss Roberts and Miss Harrisson