15-12-23 Beech Newsletter

Hello everyone!

Can you believe it, the last Friday of the Autumn term and what a term it has been. It has been such a privilege to see your children blossom over the last term, those once nervous faces are all know happy, settled and learning lots of new things.

We have been busy finishing off the first phase of our phonics learning and are now ready to learn lots of new sounds after Christmas. The children are all trying really hard to segment and blend when reading in class. Can I please encourage you to be reading the decodable book your child brings home at least 3x a week. It is the repetition of familiar texts that improve accuracy and fluency. The link below is a short video from Little Wandle (our phonics scheme) to support parents and carers with blending at home. If you can, please give it a watch so you can continue to support your child at home.


In Maths, we started the week by looking at 4 sided shapes. The children had great fun fishing for shapes in the water tray, hunting around the classroom for squares and rectangle and using shapes to make pictures. We ended the week by looking at Day & Night routines. It was great fun listening to what the children get up to in the mornings and evenings!

In English, we have read the story of Winnie the Witch meeting Santa. The children loved this story and liked the link from our fantasy topic to the celebration of Christmas. They have all been trying super hard with their letter formation and spelling of simple CVC words. Very proud of them!

We have been very lucky to have received some very lovely new resources in Beech class. The children have loved exploring the snow in the tough tray and finding Winnie’s belongings with the tweezers, decorating a Christmas tree, building sleigh’s for Santa and designing a Christmas dinner for Winnie and Santa. We have also finished our unit of Seasons. The children have really enjoyed looking at the different seasons and have finished off the topic with creating some lovely art work of ‘trees in the seasons’.

Well done to Ronan who is the golden certificate winner this week! Keep up the hard work!

Finally…. we have had the most special visitor today….

FATHER CHRISTMAS CAME TO CROWMOOR!! He was pleased to say that all of the children have been very good and are on his nice list! Even Myself, Mrs E and Mrs Kenny have made the nice list – we are all VERY excited!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

See you on Monday morning!

Miss Shadbolt, Mrs Kenny and Mrs E.

Elm Class Newsletter

The children have worked incredibly hard this week completing end of term assessments. It has been a new experience for them and I’m very proud of how they all handled them.
We have talked a lot about making sure they take their time to read questions properly and that they look carefully at signs in maths questions to ensure they are using the correct operation. We will continue to practice these skills next term.
We have almost completed the Pied Piper of Hamelin book – we will read the final pages in English next week – and they independently wrote some super letters back to the Piper from the Mayor.
They have almost completed their History unit on The Great Fire of London and this week we were learning about the rebuild of the capital city by Christopher Wren. They pretended to be residents, thinking what questions they would ask King Charles II, and then drew some designs for rebuilding London talking about what they would change and why.
in D&T we’ve spent some time exploring how to make supports and use different joining techniques. They then created their designs with a partner ready for building next week. If you do have any cardboard boxes we would really appreciate it if you could please send them in to school at the beginning of the week. Thank you!

I hope you all had a great time at the Christmas Fayre. It was lovely to see so many of you there.

This week there are some exciting things going on – the church service at the Baptist Church on Wednesday 13th and Christmas dinner and jumper day on Thursday 14th. From Thursday children can wear something ‘Christmassy’ until the end of term (Wednesday 20th).

We will still have PE on Tuesday and Thursday as normal – apologies for the confusion with my typo last week!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend  Please remember to read read read!! ☺️

Miss Jones