SAT Buster Homework Answers (w/c 25.01.21)

Apologies for any confusion. I thought I’d posted these on Friday but it looks like something went wrong.

Please find the answers to the last week’s homework.







More homework has been set on the class newsletter link. Answers for the new to follow on Friday.

Have a good week.

Kind regards

Mr Wilmot

Willow Class Remote Learning Spring Schedule

Hi everyone

I didn’t expect to be writing this message but have to agree that Lockdown is possibly the best option to curb the current threat and worrying statistics.

Here’s the remote schedule for the next few weeks. I have gone until the Easter hols as I don’t know how long the current situation will last.


Please click on the links in the appropriate weeks. The links send you to a series of lessons. Each lesson usually has a clip (video) and a lesson activity. Just do the one in Literacy and Maths each day and then there is a weekly Science lesson. Follow the lessons in order as they are sequential. I will have a look at the other subjects too and forward links on the class newsletter and class page information – I will locate activities that follow my initial thoughts and planning and that I think will engage your children.

I will be in contact soon to virtually catch up with the children to make sure they can access the work and to offer any further support.

In the event of query please contact me on the class email address:

Keep safe

Mr Wilmot

Remote Learning Schedule for Autumn Term

In the event of your child being off for 14 days due to COVID symptoms please see the attached Remote Learning Schedule for the Autumn Term. This schedule follows broadly what we are doing in class so please remain in the correct weeks to ensure continuity. The links will open tutorials and activities for your child to complete.

Willow Class Remote Learning Schedule (Autumn Term)

In the event of any query please contact me directly on and I will respond as soon as I can.

Keep safe.

Mr Wilmot

New Willow Fortnightly Topic Homework

I hope this message find you all fit, healthy and well. I don’t know where the last fortnight has gone! I attach the new Fortnightly Topic Homework – this will be the last work I set your child as the following fortnight will be within the Summer Holidays.

The homework is linked to what we have been doing in class. Please see the final page of the Homework sheet – it contains required information for your child’s final assembly. If your child could complete it and email a copy to I will collate with the completed versions from the children who are in class and give your child a copy when they come to their Assembly. The Assembly is next Thursday at 1:30pm – further details were published yesterday and I have included a little detail on the Homework sheet (Page 2).

The homework:

Work for Year 6 – w:c 6th July 2020

The new murder investigation:


The Science Characteristic activity:

Animal Characteristics

As usual, in the event of query please contact me directly on the email mentioned above and if you need hardcopies of the homework please contact the office directly.

Please continue to keep safe.

Kind regards

Mr Wilmot

CPG Homework w/c 29th June 2020

I hope you are all well and keeping safe. Here’s the answers for this last week’s CPG SAT Books and the homework for the forthcoming week. Don’t forget the fortnightly work too – I posted more today (this fortnightly work set is the last instalment; the Summer Holidays start on 18th July).



The new and last CPG homework is attached:


Answers for this final homework to be posted next Friday, as always.

Keep Safe.