Homework Answers for Summer Term – Week 2

Here’s the homework answers for last week.

Homework Answers for Week 2

New homework has been set and your child will come home with a slip for pages they should complete.

Thank you for supporting your child. They are very aware that completion of homework will only benefit them and that the completion is part of their independence in preparation for Secondary.

As always the children can speak to me or Mrs Lewis if they are struggling with the work set and we will help.

Mr Wilmot

Homework Answers for Week 7

On Friday afternoon, the class agreed that it might be better to post the homework answers on here rather than go through the answers in class. This helps the children as they don’t have to bring their books in each week and it saves valuable class time; it can take over half an hour to mark as answers vary etc. If your child struggles with the homework they can see myself, Mrs Lewis or Ms Harris and we will be happy to help. If they mark their homework and they are unsure as to why they have got it wrong please direct them to an adult in class.

My only reservation with posting the answers on here, rather than seeing their books, would be the fact that I will not be 100% sure if the homework has been completed. The class will shortly go to Secondary and homework has a great emphasis so I have tried to persuade the children to complete the work; it’ll prepare them for the very regular homework they will get at Secondary. The are aware that the homework will benefit this transition and it is for their personal benefit.

Here’s the answers for the homework for Week 7.

Homework Answers for Week 7

New homework will be set on a Friday and your child will come home with a slip informing them of the pages they need to complete.

As always, in the event of any query please email the class email address.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Mr Wilmot