New Themed Fortnightly Homework w/c 04/05/20

Hi all

I hope you are all fit and well. I also hope you enjoyed learning about the Ancient Greeks – it’s a fascinating topic, isn’t it?

Please find the attached new homework for the next fortnight. It relates to Greece and its geography. I hope there is something that will inspire and motivate you.

Work for Year 6 – w:c 4th May 2020

I would very much appreciate copies of any artwork or writing that you have completed – send a photo to the admin email address for the attention of myself.

I continue to set work from the CPG books – please continue completing set work and ensure you mark it from the answers I post each Friday.

You can also access Mathletics, NumberGym, Espresso and BBC Bitesize – subject to your on-line access.

Don’t forget to read, read then read some more!

Keep safe and hopefully speak soon.

Mr Wilmot

Willow Newsletter w/c 20/04/20

Hi all,

I hope you are all well and keeping healthy. I trust you are enjoying the weather; it certainly makes the weird period of time more palatable but it also reminds us what life could be like if we were allowed to be with friends and taking trips to the coast etc.

I am keeping busy with school work – it is amazing how much you find to do when you have time to stop and reflect. I find the not knowing when and if we will return to school frustrating but completely agree with the scientist when they say we go back when it is safe to do so.

The answers to the homework for this last week have been posted and I have posted new homework for this week. You should be able to complete the work as it is mainly revision and once you know what pages you need to do you can just crack on with your books that you have at home. There is also the fortnightly project to complete – remember to complete the work in your green books or homework book. Should we return, I would like to see how you engaged with the work.

It has become nationally apparent that the work that children are set and their subsequent engagement depends on online access as such I will post the answers to the homework and set new on the website, set the fortnightly project but will stop sending the weekly Comprehension, Maths and SPaG ‘Test’. These are hard for some children to access and I do believe there is enough work with the project, SAT books and engaging in some of the website links, subject to access. Remember you can access the internet, and our webpage, on SMART TVs and through your PS4 and Xbox One.

I have been out for lots of walks with my dog, I am keeping in touch with friends through Zoom and similar apps and I have been out on my bike. I have explored areas, local to me, that I didn’t know existed!

I am in school next week to look after the key worker children. If at any time you need a hardcopy of the homework sheet or the fortnightly projects please email the office – they have a copy and can arrange for it to be photocopied for you to collect. Please give them time to sort though as they are very busy and we are keeping staffing at a sensible level to protect all from the virus. If you need to get in touch with me please email the office and they will forward your message on.

Have a great weekend and ‘speak’ again soon.

Thank you

Mr Wilmot

Ancient Greek Themed Homework (for the next fortnight)

Hi all,

I hope you are all keeping well and more importantly safe. We are on lockdown for another three weeks at least and I know you will be frustrated and bored.

I am going into school once or twice a week and keeping busy with researching, looking at data and setting work.

Please find the themed homework for the next fortnight. If we were in school we would be studying the Ancient Greeks – we can still do this but it will have to be remotely sadly. The homework should interest you as it is Art related and linked to a myth that you will create.

Homework Grid for Year 6 – w:c 20th April 2020

I will continue to set homework from your Booster Books – I added more today and the answers for the week commencing 30th March 2020.

I will also continue to set the Comprehension, Multiplication and Division, Maths and GPS ‘Tests’ each week and I’ll send the answers through as I did at the end of last term.

I hope this system is working for you; I appreciate it is internet based and that the device you may use maybe in high demand. If you require hard copies please contact the office, they will contact me and I will ensure I provide hardcopies that can be collected from the table outside the office. The office will call you to confirm when it is time to pick the work up.

Thank you and please keep safe.

Mr Wilmot

Additional Homework and a couple of Word Searches!

Hi all; I hope you are all keeping out of mischief but more importantly safe.

I provided the homework answers last Friday and the answers, to the extra homework I set (Test 1), on Monday.

I have just added more work to the ‘Homework Page’ and I have included a couple of word searches (your parents might like them too). The work says ‘Test 2’ – it isn’t a test it is just work to keep your minds active – there is no time limit.

Please keep an eye on the homework page as that is where new work will automatically go.

Take care and ‘speak’ again soon.

Mr Wilmot

Test 1 Answers


I am not sure if you have had time to carry out the extra work I set last Wednesday, if so, the answers are below. If not, please complete them then use the answers below to see how you got on. I’ll set more (Test 2) on Wednesday.

Grammar and Punctuation Test 1 Answers:

Reading Test 1 Answers:

Maths Test 1 Answers:

Multiplication and Division Test 1 Answers:

Keep up the good work. I have set more Mathletics work – well done to those who are completing the activities set (remember, I can see who is engaging remotely).

Stay safe.

Mr Wilmot

Some activities you may want to complete.

I imagine some are getting a little bored. I hope the social isolation and staying indoors or within your garden is going okay. I am missing my friends so I understand you will be too.

You have the work I set last week and for those that want it I have added some more, see below. I will post the answers at some point soon (probably this time next week). Complete it in your green books unless you can print out and write directly on the sheet.

Maths (Multiplication and Division):

General Maths:



Stay safe…

Mr Wilmot