Homework w/c 11/05/20

Here’s the homework for this week and the answers for last week. Just dip into what you can, I appreciate it might be hard and the guidance/support is limited.







The homework for this week:

Homework w:c 11:05:20

Answers to follow next week as always. Don’t forget to use athletics – I have reassigned work for you.

Stay safe.

New Themed Fortnightly Homework w/c 04/05/20

Hi all

I hope you are all fit and well. I also hope you enjoyed learning about the Ancient Greeks – it’s a fascinating topic, isn’t it?

Please find the attached new homework for the next fortnight. It relates to Greece and its geography. I hope there is something that will inspire and motivate you.

Work for Year 6 – w:c 4th May 2020

I would very much appreciate copies of any artwork or writing that you have completed – send a photo to the admin email address for the attention of myself.

I continue to set work from the CPG books – please continue completing set work and ensure you mark it from the answers I post each Friday.

You can also access Mathletics, NumberGym, Espresso and BBC Bitesize – subject to your on-line access.

Don’t forget to read, read then read some more!

Keep safe and hopefully speak soon.

Mr Wilmot

Ancient Greek Themed Homework (for the next fortnight)

Hi all,

I hope you are all keeping well and more importantly safe. We are on lockdown for another three weeks at least and I know you will be frustrated and bored.

I am going into school once or twice a week and keeping busy with researching, looking at data and setting work.

Please find the themed homework for the next fortnight. If we were in school we would be studying the Ancient Greeks – we can still do this but it will have to be remotely sadly. The homework should interest you as it is Art related and linked to a myth that you will create.

Homework Grid for Year 6 – w:c 20th April 2020

I will continue to set homework from your Booster Books – I added more today and the answers for the week commencing 30th March 2020.

I will also continue to set the Comprehension, Multiplication and Division, Maths and GPS ‘Tests’ each week and I’ll send the answers through as I did at the end of last term.

I hope this system is working for you; I appreciate it is internet based and that the device you may use maybe in high demand. If you require hard copies please contact the office, they will contact me and I will ensure I provide hardcopies that can be collected from the table outside the office. The office will call you to confirm when it is time to pick the work up.

Thank you and please keep safe.

Mr Wilmot

Homework Answers w/c 30.03.20

Here’s the answers to the homework set on 30th March 2020. Hope you are all keeping safe and well. See below for the homework for this week; I’ll post answers next Friday, like normal.

I’ll post the project/theme based homework separately so it doesn’t get lost. If you need hard copies of the theme homework or the Comprehension, Maths or Punctuation work I set each week please contact the office and they will pass your request to myself.







Homework for this week:

Homework for w:c 13:04:20

Homework Answers for work set w/c 23/03/20

Hi everyone,

Here’s the answers for last week’s homework.






Hope this system is working. Mark your homework and see how you got on.

The following homework is for the next three weeks (over Easter; I’ll then publish the answers on the Friday in three week’s time when I set new).

Homework (Booster Books) w/c 30.03.20

Book Page Number Title

Arithmetic 30 & 31 Multiplying with Decimals
Geometry… 29 – 31 Perimeter and Area
Number… 27 – 29 Checking and Estimating
Grammar 28 & 29 Mixed Practice
Spelling 27 & 28 Words ending in…
Punctuation 32 & 33 Hyphens

I’ll set more work after the Easter Hols. Have a good break, stay in and keep safe.

Test 2 (Additional Homework)

Hi all

I appreciate you are getting bored and trust you are keeping safe and looking after your families. Remember all feel a little odd at this time as it is incredibly unusual.

Here’s some more work – I hope this method is working. Add the answers to your green books or on paper if you weren’t in school when the books were distributed. I will post the answers early next week so you can mark your work and see how you got on.

Grammar and Punctuation:



Multiplication and Division:

I have set more work on Mathletics. You have the BBC Bitesize website, Espresso, NumberGym and SCRATCH is free to download, I think. I also include a couple of word searches, you know me and my liking for word searches! A little IT and Geography!

Computer Jargon 1

Computer Jargon 2

Countries of Europe

Keep safe and don’t forget to help your folks out.

Mr Wilmot

Homework answers w/c 16.03.20 (last week)

Hi all, please see the answers for last week’s homework…







The homework for this coming week:

Homework (Booster Books) w/c 23.03.20

Book Page Number Title

Arithmetic 28 and 29 Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000

Geometry… n/a Rest Week!

Number… 26 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Grammar 26 & 27 Relative Clauses

Spelling 25 & 26 Words ending in…

Punctuation 30 & 31 Dashes for Extra Information and Single Dashes and Bullet Points