Sycamore Class Newsletter 3.3.23

Hello everyone,

We have had a busy first week back. The children all looked great dressed up for World Book Day yesterday. They enjoyed talking about World Book Day and their favourite characters.

Our Golden Certificate winner this week is Lila. She is a great member of our class who has a positive attitude to learning and always tried hard. Yesterday, Lila thought of some fantastic adjectives to describe her character. Well done!

This week in English, we have been looking at play scripts. We have been discussing what we liked about these and what we notice, acted out a range of different scripts and finding features of a play script using an example from our play ‘A Glint of Gold’.

The children have been busy practising for our play. Please can the children bring in their costumes by Friday 10th March and continue to practise their lines at home. Thank you.

In Maths, we have started to look about fractions. This week we have been understanding the whole and that numbers can be greater than 1. We have also been looking at number lines to find fractions and have been comparing and ordering fractions.

This half term in Science we will be learning about the rocks. We looked at the different types of rocks. Why not ask your child and see if they can tell you about the 3 different natural types of rocks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Fairclough, Miss Shadbolt and Mrs Davies

PE tomorrow

Don’t forget it is PE tomorrow. PE will continue to be on Fridays for the rest of the year. Children should come to school wearing their school PE kit – black/navy blue joggers/shorts, a plain white t-shirt and their school jumper or a black/navy blue hoody and appropriate trainers. Earrings should be removed as per school policy. Thank you.