Tennis Sessions starting on 07.06.21

I hope you are all enjoying the sun and half term.

On Monday morning, we have a Tennis session with an external coach. The sessions will last for 5 weeks in total.

Apologies for the late notice… please ensure your child come into school in PE kit now on a Monday as well as the usual Wednesday.

We also have an extra Cricket coaching session on this coming Friday afternoon. For next week only, your child will need to be in PE kit on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Subsequent weeks your child will need to be in PE kit on a Monday and Wednesday unless advised otherwise.

In the event of query please call the office or email me on

Many thanks

Mr Wilmot

Homework Answers for Week 5 (Summer)

Please find the attached homework answers for last week.

Homework Answers for Week 5

New homework has been set for Half Term. I will ask the children to show me their completed work when they return so please encourage them to complete the set work. It is good practise for next year and it ensures they take ownership for their learning and independence.

Have a great week.

Kind regards,

Mr Wilmot