Hazel Class Weekly Newsletter 11.9.20

Hello everyone,

Our first full week is complete and the children have been working hard and adjusting well to the new school rules and routines.

In Literacy we have been looking at setting descriptions. The children have been looking at examples and exploring the features ready to write their own setting description next week.

In Maths we have started our place value unit of learning, looking at representing numbers and hundreds. I have been very impressed by the children enthusiasm during our lessons.

This week we started our weekly Music sessions with Shropshire Music Service. The children have been learning all about the ukulele and are looking forward to have ago at playing one next week. It was lovely to see the excitement the children had about learning a new instrument!

Please ensure that you child is coming into school each day with a coat, as we aim to be going outside as much as possible.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Bliss, Mrs Davies and Mrs Evason

Test 2 (Additional Homework)

Hi all

I appreciate you are getting bored and trust you are keeping safe and looking after your families. Remember all feel a little odd at this time as it is incredibly unusual.

Here’s some more work – I hope this method is working. Add the answers to your green books or on paper if you weren’t in school when the books were distributed. I will post the answers early next week so you can mark your work and see how you got on.

Grammar and Punctuation:



Multiplication and Division:

I have set more work on Mathletics. You have the BBC Bitesize website, Espresso, NumberGym and SCRATCH is free to download, I think. I also include a couple of word searches, you know me and my liking for word searches! A little IT and Geography!

Computer Jargon 1

Computer Jargon 2

Countries of Europe

Keep safe and don’t forget to help your folks out.

Mr Wilmot

Maths 100 Challenge

If your child took a green book home they will have a hard copy of the Maths 100 Multiplication Challenge sheets. I recommend they use these but write the answers in their book. I attach a copy of each (sorry about the quality). Your child know which one they are on and that they have 5 minutes to complete their respective sheet. Thank you again!