Beech Newsletter 15.9.23


Another lovely week in Beech class.
We have been learning all about The Three Little Pigs, we have been busy drawing our favourite characters and houses, cutting and sticking the story sequence, practising writing our names and even building some super strong pig houses!

In phonics we have learnt S A T P. We have been saying the phoneme and writing the graphemes too.

We have been put collecting things that show us that it is getting autumnal outside and have been mixing primary colours to make the right secondary colours for the leaves.

Well done to all the children this week, they are really settled and are starting to find their feet and follow the routines of school life. A big WELL DONE to Spencer for being the golden certificate winner this week. Spencer makes great choices, encourages others to make good choices and has done some great work in English this week. Well done Spencer!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Shadbolt, Mrs Kenny and Mrs Millichamp.

Beech 8.9.23

WOW – What a lovely first week 🙂

I am beyond proud of how well all of the children have settled in this week. They have all been fantastic listeners and showed great manners, kindness and politeness. Looking forward to cracking on with phonics, writing and math next week. They have all shown great attitudes to learning so far which I am sure will continue.

This week the golden certificate has gone to the whole class for settling in so well, but they have all taken home a ‘well done for your first week’ certificate too. So proud of all of the children.

This term we are exploring Traditional Tales and looking at All About Me.

Can you please send into school next week a picture of your child as a baby, we are then going to look at how they have changed to the children they are today. A printed one would be great but you can send one to

Reminders – can you please send your child with a water bottle, make sure they are in their PE kits on a Friday and that they have everything labelled – thank you :).

Have a lovely weekend – enjoy the sunshine!

Miss Shadbolt, Mrs Kenny & Ms Millichamp.

Tapestry and PE


We have had a lovely first few days in Beech class.

Tapestry – All email addresses that were given on induction day have been added to the system and you should all receive an email. If you don’t or did not give your email address in, can you let me know so I can update and link.

PE- This will be on a Friday, can you please ensure your children are coming into school in their PE kit that day.

Many thanks,

Miss Shadbolt.