Message to Parents/Carers

Dear Parents/Carers

It is unfortunate that we have to isolate so close to the end of the term but it is for the safety of your children. I wish those that have tested positive a quick and full recovery. It is hoped staying at home will reduce the spread of COVID in school and within the wider community.

We will be working from home from tomorrow (Monday 5th July 2021) until the rest of the week with the expected return to school on Monday 12th July 2021.

I have already posted the intended remote learning schedule. I will provide work and guidance on a daily basis and post before school starts from tomorrow morning and every morning for the rest of the week. Please ensure your child completes the set work as it is sequential – work set the subsequent day builds on what they learnt in the previous session.

The children should still have their homework books and the books from the last isolation so hopefully they can record their outputs in there. If they do not have these books then it is absolutely fine to carry out the work on blank or lined paper. I appreciate resources might be limited.

I will send TEAM seminar invites out tomorrow; similar to the last lockdown. Please ensure your child attend their specific seminar session. If I do not see them within the seminar we will follow up with a telephone call. The intention of the seminar is to offer guidance/support and to confirm that your child is able to access the work set. I will also be available online and the Willow Class email account will be open throughout the week – children are very welcome to email me in the event of query or to ask questions relating to the work set. I will respond as soon as I can.

I hope this clarifies my intention for the week but, as always, please email me, on in the event of any query.

Thank you for your support and co-operation.

Kind regards,

Mr Wilmot

What a day!

Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you for you co-operation this morning and collecting your child so promptly.

We have had a child test positive for Covid 19 in our Year 6 bubble and we have had to close down the bubble. This means all children in our year 6 class and those adults who have been identified as having close contact with the child who has tested positive, have been instructed to self-isolate for ten days.

Public Health England have advised that your child must stay at home and self-isolate until 23:59 on Sunday 11th July 2021. We will update you again should the situation change. Providing your child does not develop symptoms, they can return to school on Monday 12th July 2021.

Please note that other members of your household can continue with their normal activities, providing your child does not develop symptoms within the isolation period.

If your child does develop symptoms, you must take them for a PCR test. If your child receives a positive PCR test, please notify us straight away.

If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, you will receive contact from the office next week.

I will be in touch early next week regarding work during the isolation period. I will also send a Group TEAMs invite to the children next week to support them with the learning timetable. I will add the learning timetable to our class ‘HOMEWORK’ and ‘ACTIVITY’ web page on Monday morning.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Office or the class email:

Kind Regards

Mr Wilmot