15-12-23 Beech Newsletter

Hello everyone!

Can you believe it, the last Friday of the Autumn term and what a term it has been. It has been such a privilege to see your children blossom over the last term, those once nervous faces are all know happy, settled and learning lots of new things.

We have been busy finishing off the first phase of our phonics learning and are now ready to learn lots of new sounds after Christmas. The children are all trying really hard to segment and blend when reading in class. Can I please encourage you to be reading the decodable book your child brings home at least 3x a week. It is the repetition of familiar texts that improve accuracy and fluency. The link below is a short video from Little Wandle (our phonics scheme) to support parents and carers with blending at home. If you can, please give it a watch so you can continue to support your child at home.


In Maths, we started the week by looking at 4 sided shapes. The children had great fun fishing for shapes in the water tray, hunting around the classroom for squares and rectangle and using shapes to make pictures. We ended the week by looking at Day & Night routines. It was great fun listening to what the children get up to in the mornings and evenings!

In English, we have read the story of Winnie the Witch meeting Santa. The children loved this story and liked the link from our fantasy topic to the celebration of Christmas. They have all been trying super hard with their letter formation and spelling of simple CVC words. Very proud of them!

We have been very lucky to have received some very lovely new resources in Beech class. The children have loved exploring the snow in the tough tray and finding Winnie’s belongings with the tweezers, decorating a Christmas tree, building sleigh’s for Santa and designing a Christmas dinner for Winnie and Santa. We have also finished our unit of Seasons. The children have really enjoyed looking at the different seasons and have finished off the topic with creating some lovely art work of ‘trees in the seasons’.

Well done to Ronan who is the golden certificate winner this week! Keep up the hard work!

Finally…. we have had the most special visitor today….

FATHER CHRISTMAS CAME TO CROWMOOR!! He was pleased to say that all of the children have been very good and are on his nice list! Even Myself, Mrs E and Mrs Kenny have made the nice list – we are all VERY excited!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

See you on Monday morning!

Miss Shadbolt, Mrs Kenny and Mrs E.

Beech Newsletter 8-12-23

Good afternoon.
We want to start by saying a massive thank you to all of the children for the wonderful performances of Whoopsy Daisy Angel. They all worked super hard and did us super proud. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Lots of festive cheer in Beech class this week.

We have learnt the new phonemes nk, ng, sh and th. The children all know these digraphs and recognise that it is two letters to make one sound. Please please encourage your child to read and blend at home. Even encouraging them to spot sounds they know will help them. Some children have got blending packs in their book bags tonight, please use these to segment and blend simple words. Every little helps.

This week our book was Zog by Julia Donaldson. The children have drawn some amazing dragons and have even started to write short sentences in their books. It is great to see how much more confidence they have when writing.

In maths we have finished looking at number bonds to 5.
The children have enjoyed using compare bears to see what numbers go together to make 5!

Well done to Lavinia who is our golden certificate winner this week for her fabulous efforts as Whoopsy Daisy Angel 😇! Well done Lavinia.

Enjoy the weekend.
See you at the Christmas fayre!

Miss Shadbolt, Mrs Kenny and Mrs Millichamp.

1.12.23 – Beech Newsletter.

Happy December everyone!
Hope you have all kept cosy and warm at home. It was rather chilly at school today!

A very busy week – it has flown past! We have learnt how to add a ‘s’ to simple words to show we have more than one of something. Eg; cats, hats, socks, dogs. We have also learnt the digraphs ch and qu (2 letters – one sound). Really impressed with the segmenting and blending in Beech class. They are all trying really hard. Keep up the hard work children!

Our book this week was “we are going on a bear hunt’. The children have drawn some amazing pictures and really impressed us with their independent spelling of big and bear. We also have had great fun acting the story out! The children all worked together to think of the most suitable actions for each part of the story.

In Maths, we have continued our work on the numbers 4 and 5. We have looked at the composition, more than and less then. We had great fun in the role play shop selling current ones using the nursery rhyme to help us! One current bun in the bakers shop, round and fat with a cherry on top

We have been super busy practicing our school Nativity. Thank you to those who have sent in costumes. Can you please check your child’s book bag to make sure they haven’t got a letter lurking about their costume. Most of the children are all sorted but some do need plain black leggings and top or plain white leggings and top. We are looking forward to seeing you at the performances on Tuesday or Wednesday.

The afternoons this week have consisted of lots of art activities, song practice for the Nativity, construction afternoons and lots of role play. We have been very fortunate to have had some lovely new resources brought for Beech class and the children have LOVED playing with all the new things. Very proud of how well they have looked after and respected the new toys. Well done team Beech.

We wondered how many of you had a visit from a cheeky elf this morning? Looking forward to hearing all about the mischief they may have been causing!

Have a lovely weekend!
Keep warm – it’s going to be a chilly one.
See you on Monday.
Miss Shadbolt, Mrs Kenny and Mrs Millichamp.

Beech Newsletter 17-11-23

Another lovely week in Beech class. We can’t believe how fast the year is going. We have been working super hard practising the Christmas play. So proud of the children – they are really trying and the singing has been fabulous!

In Maths, we have been looking at recognising 4 and 5. We have been looking at how to make 4 and 5, how to subitise 4 and 5 and how to form the number 4 and 5. A lot of the children have also started to notice that 2+2 = 4 and 2+3=5. We have looked at the idea of number sentences.

Our book this week has been “Room on the Broom”. We have been busy drawing the witch, the animals and designing a super snazzy broom to get around! They have all drawn a fabulous dragon as well this week. The children have started to write CVC words independently like cat, dog, big and hat. Next week we are looking at the book “Stickman” – if possible can the children all bring in a stick on Monday/Tuesday so we can make our own Stickman family – thank you!!

Guided reading has been going really well this week. Can I please ask you to keep reading with the children at home. They need to read the book 3x a week in order for us to change it and have it noted in the yellow reading record. Next week some of the children will be bringing home a set of blending words and a list of CVC words to help them with their blending. Please encourage and support your children with this. Reading opens the door to the world 🌎.


We have had great fun looking at winter this week. It’s been lovely to hear all the things the children love about winter and the weather changing. We had a go at making snowflakes using PVA and glitter.

Was lovely to see them all dressed up in spots for Children in Need. Thank you for the support.

Congratulations to Nyah, who is the golden certificate winner! Nyah has been trying so hard with her blending and independent writing. She’s always been reading lots at home! Keep up the good work! Well done!

Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Shadbolt, Mrs Kenny and Mrs Millichamp.

Beech 20.10.23 – Newsletter.

Another week has flown by! Time really does fly when you’re having fun and we have lots of that in Beech class.

We have been busying segmenting and blending in phonics this week. Encouraging the children to segment each sound and then blend them back together to read the word. If you can also encourage your child to do this at home and write down you’ve done this in the reading diaries we would be super grateful!

In English we have looked at the story of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. The children have loved drawing naughty trolls, magic bridges and inventive ways to cross the poisonous river. The children are all trying so hard with pencil grip and letter formation. Very proud of their efforts this week.

In Maths we have been looking at 1,2 and 3. Seeing how they are made up, what things can be grouped into 1,2 and 3 and looked at varying representations of the numbers. We have started to subitise (The ability to look at a small number of objects and instantly recognise how many objects there are without needing to count). The children have all shown good subitising skills.

We have been celebrating Black History Month. This week we looked at Alma Thomas and Sir Frank Bowling (famous artists) – we looked at lots of their paintings and then had s go at recreating them. The children really enjoyed getting artistic and have shown great understanding of the different methods used.

Well done to Arlo who is our “Golden Certificate” winner this week.  Arlo goes above and beyond to be helpful in class, always tries his best and is really trying to segment and blend new words! Well done Arlo – well deserved this week.

Looking forward to seeing you at parents evening on Monday and Tuesday.

Have a nice weekend, let’s hope the rain stops and if not lots of splashing in puddles in wellies!
Miss Shadbolt, Mrs Kenny and Mrs Millichamp.