World Book Day

Dear Parents/Carers, 

I would like to thank you all for the fantastic effort you made in kitting out the children for World Book Day. We had a great time and celebrated how important reading is to well-being as well as learning. I am sure you will get a full flavour from the pictures on the website. 

We are sad to say goodbye to Mrs Carol-Lewis next week, who leaves us after 13 years to go and work at the Convent School. We wish her all the best for the future, she will be missed! 

We were pleased to welcome into school Brightstar Boxing this week. We are excited to be working for 6 weeks with them on a trial programme for some Year 5 and 6 pupils; to both increase pupils fitness through non-contact boxing exercises and mental and emotional health. If the trial makes a difference, we hope to make the provision permanent. 

I wish to thank the staff this week which has seen us missing a number of teachers, cleaners and kitchen staff for covering and helping us keep the school open. 


Safer Internet Day 7th February 2022

This Tuesday is Safer Internet Day. It is celebrated across the globe and is a good opportunity for you to focus on online safety with your child, whether it’s having a chat about what they like to do online, using some of the specific activities on the links below or just using their favourite apps or games with them.

The theme this year is ‘All Fun and Games’ which is about exploring respect and relationships online. From gaming and chat, to streaming and video, young people are shaping the interactive entertainment spaces they are a part of. Safer Internet Day 2022 celebrates young people’s role in creating a safer internet, whether that’s whilst gaming and creating content, or interacting with their friends and peers.

Although online safety is something that we regularly discuss with the children in school as part of their Computing and PSHE lessons, on Tuesday there will be an increased focus throughout school. We will be holding a special assembly for each key stage and each class will be participating in activities appropriate to their age group.

If you would like to get involved and take part in some activities with your child, please click on Conversation Starters and Family Activities.

You can also find a list of useful Organisations and Resources for Parents and Carers here, and if you would like to know more about Safer Internet Day please follow this link to the UK Safer Internet Centre website: