Beech Class Weekly Newsletter 28/04/23

This week we have explored the traditional Indian tale ‘The Tiger and the Jackal’. We learnt the words gullible, devious, smirking, pleading, enraged, duped. The children drew and wrote about the boy, the jungle where he lived, a new character who would help and a way for the boy and the jackal to get away when the tiger escaped. We are very much focusing on presentation at the moment. The children are working hard to put spaces between words and ensure letters are formed correctly (no reversals) and neatly.

Here’s a selection of some of their fantastic work:

In Phonics we have been consolidating Level 3 sounds and are due to start Level 4 next week. Level 4 will involve learning new tricky words but no further sounds. The focus is on learning to read longer words using Level 3 sounds. The children are currently working on blending in their heads and re-reading sentences after decoding to help improve their fluency.
Please remember to hear your child read as often as you can. The lucky dip box has been restocked and is ready for Tuesday next week. It would be amazing to see if we could get our highest number of winners yet after the bank holiday weekend.

In maths we have continued to consolidate our knowledge of numbers 11 to 20, working on recognising different representations, reading and ordering the numerals and matching numerals to the correct representation. Next week the children will be bringing home number cards to practice their numeral recognition and ordering skills or play missing number games which will also help develop their reasoning skills.

We also started our Brilliant Brushers scheme this week. It took a few days to get into the routine and have everyone fully participating but they are all now settled into our new regime. Well done everyone!

This week has also seen the opening of our outdoor role play area – the Garden Centre. (children’s choice) and we have also been exploring non-fiction books about India and talking about the things we would like to know more about. The children have also helped my travelling bear Barnaby pack today, for his trip to India. They are looking forward to seeing his photos over the next few weeks and hearing what he has found out for us.

Next week there will be no PE on Friday due to the non-uniform day for the coronation afternoon. We hope you all have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend and we will see you on Tuesday 2nd May.

Miss Jones, Mrs Kenny & Miss Harrison

Beech Class weekly Newsletter 17.3.23

Another busy week has flown by and ended on a high with our Comic Relief Red Nose Day celebrations. Thank you so much for your efforts and donations. The children looked fab – you can see our class picture on Tapestry.
In phonics we have continued recapping level three sounds, practising reading and writing them in words and sentences. We have also learned two tricky words “all” and “are”. These have been added to their sound bags along with last week’s tricky word “they” for them to keep practising at home.

In Drawing Club this week we read the story of The Three Little Pigs. The children enjoyed drawing the wolf, their version of the brick house, an escape vehicle for the pigs and what the wolf would do with the pigs when he finally caught them! We had some very interesting suggestions for that, ranging from eating them in a pie/cake, to sending them to the moon, to taking them to the cinema to watch a movie! 😂 There has been some super writing alongside their drawings and children are becoming more and more confident to have a go on their own which is brilliant.
They have been fantastic at remembering and using our ‘get up, stand up’ words this week too. Constructed, sturdy, flimsy, obliterate, scarper and celebrate. Why not try saying the words to them to see if they can show you the action then do the actions back to them and see if they can remember the words? They are so proud showing other adults in school when they remember them and use them in context.

In Maths we have been consolidating our knowledge of number bonds for numbers to 10 through playing games, including hidden number games and looking at different arrangements and patterns. We will continue to do this next week through independent activities as we complete whole school assessment week.

We had 12 children choosing a prize from the lucky dip box this week for reading 5 times. A massive well done to you all. The children did say what if we could get 20 next week? So. Who’s up for the challenge? 😉

If they have not already told you, please remember to look in your child’s bag for a white envelope addressed to someone special for Sunday. We do hope you like it and you have a very lovely day.

Have a good weekend.

Miss Jones & Mrs Kenny

PE tomorrow

Don’t forget it is PE tomorrow. PE will continue to be on Fridays for the rest of the year. Children should come to school wearing their school PE kit – black/navy blue joggers/shorts, a plain white t-shirt and their school jumper or a black/navy blue hoody and appropriate trainers. Earrings should be removed as per school policy. Thank you.