Willow – Homework – 12.11.21

Good afternoon,

I was very impressed by some of the quality of homework last week, I hope it continues. This week:

Mathematic Problem:

Using BIDMAS, find as many answers as possible using 5, 5, 5. For example:

5 + 5 + 5 = 15

5 – 5 + 5 = 5

5 x 5 + 5 = 30

English Challenge:

This week it is split in to two:

  1. Draw a food item.
  2. Write a detailed description of that food item.


I am looking forward to reading how wonderful the food is,

Mr Reynolds

Willow Homework – 5.11.21

Good afternoon,

Here is your homework for this week:

Mathematical Problem:

You have 8 balls in a line – 3 black and 5 white. You need to show as many different ways as you can that they can be lined up. Think about how you can work methodically through the problem.

English Challenge:

Write a 50 word (exactly 50 words) description about and aspect of your home.

I look forward to seeing how you get on,

Mr Reynolds

Willow Homework

Hello Willow Class,

Each week you will have your daily homework of reading, spellings and times tables.

Along side this you will have a mathematical based task and an English based task. This will be handed out on a Friday and needs to be handed back in by/on the following Thursday. The homework will be either problem based or around what we are covering in class.

If you have any questions around homework please email me: willow@crowmoorschool.co.uk


Mr Reynolds

Remote Learning for Friday 9th July 2021

Please find the work for today. The attachment includes activities and guidance.

Remote Learning Schedule for Friday 9th July 2021

Maths answers from yesterday (work set on 08.07.21):

Varied Frequency Answers:

Year-6-Summer-Block-3-Step-4-VF-Circles (dragged)

Reasoning and Problem Solving Answers:

Year-6-Summer-Block-3-Step-4-RPS-Circles (dragged)

I’ll send the answers to today’s maths later tonight or tomorrow.

As always, in the event of query please email me on: willow@crowmoorschool.co.uk.

This is the last day of remote learning. I look forward to seeing the class back in school on Monday morning, normal time.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued support.

Mr Wilmot

Remote Learning for Thursday 8th July 2021

Please find the work for today. The attachment includes activities and guidance.

Remote Learning Schedule for Thursday 8th July 2021

Maths answers from yesterday (work set on 07.07.21):

Varied Frequency Answers:

Year-6-Summer-Block-3-VF-Use-Line-Graphs-to-Solve-Problems (dragged)

Reasoning and Problem Solving Answers:

Year-6-Summer-Block-3-RPS-Use-Line-Graphs-to-Solve-Problems (dragged)

As always, in the event of query please email me on: willow@crowmoorschool.co.uk.

I’ll post tomorrow’s work early tomorrow morning.

Thank you for your copoperation and continued support.

Mr Wilmot

Remote Learning for Wednesday 7th July 2021

Please find the work for today. The attachment includes activities and guidance.

Remote Learning Schedule for Wednesday 7th July 2021

Maths answers from yesterday (work set on 06.07.21):

Varied Frequency Answers:


Year-6-Summer-Block-3-Step-2-VF-Draw-Line-Graphs (dragged)


Year-6-Summer-Block-3-Step-2-VF-Draw-Line-Graphs (dragged) 2

Greater Depth:

Year-6-Summer-Block-3-Step-2-VF-Draw-Line-Graphs (dragged)

Reasoning and Problem Solving Answers:

Year-6-Summer-Block-3-Step-2-RPS-Draw-Line-Graphs (dragged)

As always, in the event of query please email me on: willow@crowmoorschool.co.uk.

I’ll post tomorrow’s work early tomorrow morning.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued support.

Mr Wilmot

Yesterday’s Maths Answers

Willow suggested I post the answers to the maths on here – a great suggestion! I had initially thought of marking, en masse, when we return to school next Monday but this is a better idea. I will post the answers to the maths the day after it is set. Make sure you match your answers to the activity you completed – like we do in class. Future answers will be attached to the email I send each morning.

Varied Frequency Answers for work set on 05.07.21:

Year-6-Summer-Block-3-Step-1-VF-Read-Line-Graphs (dragged)

Reasoning and Problem Solving Answers for the work set on 05.07.21:

Year-6-Summer-Block-3-Step-1-RPS-Read-and-Interpret-Line-Graphs (dragged)

Have a good day.

Mr Wilmot

Remote Learning for Tuesday 6th July 2021

Please find the work for today. The attachment includes activities and guidance.

Remote Learning Schedule for Tuesday 6th July 2021

The attachment below relates to the RE for this afternoon.

Abbey chapter 2

As always, in the event of query please email me on willow@crowmoorschool.co.uk.

I’ll post tomorrow’s work early tomorrow morning.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued support.

Mr Wilmot