Willow Newsletter w/c 16.07.18

Where has this week gone? The highlight had to be our ‘Darwin Rocks’ performances. The showings went very well and I was proud of all who took part. Thank you for supporting the children and your help with their learning of lines etc. We watched ‘The Greatest Showman’ and enjoyed our last game of rounders together. The class enjoyed their final assembly and sharing their memories of their time at Crowmoor. Thank you to the Friends – the children liked their leaving gifts. Thank you also for my end of year presents – they were not expected or necessary but were gratefully received :-). The school year has now ended and the children move to their new respective schools. I am confident each child will thrive in their new environment and I wish them all the very best. Have a fantastic and restful holiday.

Sycamore weekly newsletter

Week beginning 25.6.18

This week we have started to plan our adventure story set in the Borneo rain forest.  We are using Annie and Jack from the Magic Tree House book series as our characters.  We have decided to address the deforestation of the rain forest as our main event in the story. The children have done research about it already and are enthused to write their story.

In maths we are looking at statistics for the next two weeks. We will cover pictograms, bar charts, tables and line graphs.

Phonics Screening Practise

We have been working hard learning our Phonics in preparation for our Year 1 Phonics Screening test.  Instead of sending home spellings I will be sending home a list of real and alien words for your child to sound out.  Please help them to add the dots and sliders as they sound out the words. (The children know how to do this and the sound sheet sent home will help)

Jars and shoe boxes please

For art week we are hoping to make our own sea glitter globes.  Please could you send a small clean jar with a lid and without any labels on into school. (mustard or jam jars would be ideal)  We will then label them for your child to use. We are also collecting shoes boxes to make an aquarium.  Please send them in next week.