Sycamore weekly newsletter

Week beginning 25.6.18

This week we have started to plan our adventure story set in the Borneo rain forest.  We are using Annie and Jack from the Magic Tree House book series as our characters.  We have decided to address the deforestation of the rain forest as our main event in the story. The children have done research about it already and are enthused to write their story.

In maths we are looking at statistics for the next two weeks. We will cover pictograms, bar charts, tables and line graphs.

Sycamore weekly newsletter

This week the class have learnt about character descriptions during our literacy lessons- as part of our adventure stories unit.  Next week in literacy we will be looking at settings.

The children made great stop motion videos about different quadrilaterals!  Next week in maths we will be looking at symmetry in shapes.

Nearly all children had their correct PE kit in this week and the correct school uniform- well done!  Next week our class is hoping for 100% 🙂

Week beginning 4th June

We had a wonderful week back after half term last week!

We started our ‘adventure stories’ topic in literacy which the children seemed really pleased about.

In maths we looked at different types of triangles and then quadrilaterals.  The different types of quadrilaterals were quite difficult to remember, so this week we are using our knowledge to create a stop animation video about quadrilaterals!

Please can all children remember to bring in their correct PE kit on a Monday and leave it all week!

Please can all children wear the correct uniform to school- black shoes are our main concern at the moment.  Thank you.


I have been welcomed wonderfully by all of the children- thank you!

This week in maths we have been looking at the place value in decimals.  By the end of the week we all understood this well- well done!

This week in literacy we have looked at persuasion.  The children now know that features to look for and the difference between fact and opinion.

Remember your homework is due in on Thursday!

Cert winner: Mya Ahmed