26.1.24 Elm

Happy Friday!
We have had a lush week in Elm this week! Super impressed with some of the really positive learning attitudes that the children have got.

In English, we have wrote a letter to the Twits in the eyes of Mugglewump the caged monkey in the garden. We had some great ideas of how the monkeys could escape. Maths has seen us looking at grouping, sharing and exploring the 2 times table. In Science we used the iPads to research different habitats and in D&T we learnt how to safely use a knife and a peeler. The children really enjoyed peeling and chopping the vegetables.

Some of the children are super close to moving up a book level. Can we please be reading at home as much as possible. Thank you.

Finally, well done to Mali for winning the golden certificate week! Always so positive – keep smiling Mali!

Have a good weekend! See you Monday!
Miss Shadbolt and Mrs E.


5.1.24 – Elm Newsletter

Happy new year and welcome back!!

It has been lovely to get to know the children over the past few days. Really looking forward to the Spring term and getting up to all sorts of amazing things.

In Maths we have countinued to look at money and compare different amounts using more than, less than and equals too. In English, we have done a recount of the Christmas holidays. It sounds like you’ve all had a lovely time

Reminders –

PE is on a Tuesday and a Thursday. They children need to be in navy or black joggers/leggings, with a white top and a plain navy or black top with trainers.

Children need to read 3x per week with an adult at home so that we can then change their books. It is really important that they read it 3 times so that they improve fluency.

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Shadbolt.

Elm Class Newsletter

The children have worked incredibly hard this week completing end of term assessments. It has been a new experience for them and I’m very proud of how they all handled them.
We have talked a lot about making sure they take their time to read questions properly and that they look carefully at signs in maths questions to ensure they are using the correct operation. We will continue to practice these skills next term.
We have almost completed the Pied Piper of Hamelin book – we will read the final pages in English next week – and they independently wrote some super letters back to the Piper from the Mayor.
They have almost completed their History unit on The Great Fire of London and this week we were learning about the rebuild of the capital city by Christopher Wren. They pretended to be residents, thinking what questions they would ask King Charles II, and then drew some designs for rebuilding London talking about what they would change and why.
in D&T we’ve spent some time exploring how to make supports and use different joining techniques. They then created their designs with a partner ready for building next week. If you do have any cardboard boxes we would really appreciate it if you could please send them in to school at the beginning of the week. Thank you!

I hope you all had a great time at the Christmas Fayre. It was lovely to see so many of you there.

This week there are some exciting things going on – the church service at the Baptist Church on Wednesday 13th and Christmas dinner and jumper day on Thursday 14th. From Thursday children can wear something ‘Christmassy’ until the end of term (Wednesday 20th).

We will still have PE on Tuesday and Thursday as normal – apologies for the confusion with my typo last week!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend  Please remember to read read read!! ☺️

Miss Jones