Willow – Homework – 26.11.21

Good afternoon,

Mathematic Problem

You need to get a piece of paper (any size) and fold it in half as many times as possible, whilst recording in your book the new fraction you get it each time. When you can’t fold it anymore, unfold it all and colour in one of the sections. Then pop into your homework book so we can discuss it next week.

English Challenge

Create your own character. Draw them in your book and label their features using your descriptive vocabulary (extended noun phrase, figurative language, senses).

I look forward to seeing how you get on,

Mr Reynolds

Willow – Homework – 19.11.21

Good afternoon,

Another week of some very impressive homework, please keep it up! This week:

Mathematic Problem:

Find 4 equivalent fractions for:




English Challenge:

Continuing with the descriptive theme, this week the children need to think of a character that they have read in a book and write a description of them – making sure it as good as what they produced in class this week. They can also draw a picture of the character if they wish.

I look forward to reading about the range of interesting character descriptions,

Mr Reynolds

Willow – Homework – 12.11.21

Good afternoon,

I was very impressed by some of the quality of homework last week, I hope it continues. This week:

Mathematic Problem:

Using BIDMAS, find as many answers as possible using 5, 5, 5. For example:

5 + 5 + 5 = 15

5 – 5 + 5 = 5

5 x 5 + 5 = 30

English Challenge:

This week it is split in to two:

  1. Draw a food item.
  2. Write a detailed description of that food item.


I am looking forward to reading how wonderful the food is,

Mr Reynolds

Willow Homework – 5.11.21

Good afternoon,

Here is your homework for this week:

Mathematical Problem:

You have 8 balls in a line – 3 black and 5 white. You need to show as many different ways as you can that they can be lined up. Think about how you can work methodically through the problem.

English Challenge:

Write a 50 word (exactly 50 words) description about and aspect of your home.

I look forward to seeing how you get on,

Mr Reynolds

Willow Homework

Hello Willow Class,

Each week you will have your daily homework of reading, spellings and times tables.

Along side this you will have a mathematical based task and an English based task. This will be handed out on a Friday and needs to be handed back in by/on the following Thursday. The homework will be either problem based or around what we are covering in class.

If you have any questions around homework please email me: willow@crowmoorschool.co.uk


Mr Reynolds