Oak Class Spellings 7.10.22

Here are the spellings for this week:

  1. symbol
  2. mystery
  3. lyrics
  4. oxygen
  5. symptom
  6. physical
  7. system
  8. typical
  9. crystal
  10. rhythm

Test on Friday 14th October

Please make sure children are practicing these spellings at home every day. They can be found in their homework books.

Spellings 16.9.22

This week’s spellings are focused on ‘ious’. Children have their spellings sheet to practice every night in their homework books.

  1. vicious
  2. gracious
  3. spacious
  4. malicious
  5. precious
  6. conscious
  7. delicious
  8. suspicious
  9. atrocious
  10. ferocious

Test date: 23.9.22