Sycamore Class Newsletter 28.4.23

This week in in English, we have continued our unit on speeches. We have focused on the different features of persuasive speeches including rhetorical questions and emotive language. Today we have tried to use some of these features to write our response to a speech.

In Maths, we have been learning more about decimals. We have looked at how hundredths are represented as fractions and decimals and on a place value chart. Today, we have looked at dividing a 1 or 2-digit number by 100.

In Science, the children enjoyed looking at food labels and finding the nutritional values of different foods. We have also looked at things needed to survive and be healthy and carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Here is our topic web outlining what we will be learning this term:

SYACMORE Topic Web ‘How was Shrewsbury shaped’

The children have gone home today with a piece of card to create a crown for the King’s Coronation and their homework this half term.

Well done to this week’s Golden Certificate Winner, Evie. She has had a good week where she has tried hard and made good choices. Well done.

Next week, we have our trip on Wednesday. Children will need to wear school uniform with sturdy shoes or trainers. If possible, please send them with a backpack to carry their lunch and water bottle. Thank you.

Due to our trip being on Wednesday we will have PE on Thursday next week.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the bank holiday.

Mrs Fairclough, Miss Shadbolt and Mrs Davies

Sycamore Class Newsletter 17.3.23

It has been another busy week practising for our play next week. Thank you to all the children who have brought their costumes in ready. If they haven’t, please make sure they are in on Monday (20th). Tickets for the performances have gone home today.

In English, the children have been planning, writing and performing their play script in groups. The children really enjoyed performing them and it helped them check they had included all the features and things they could improve on.

This week our Golden Certificate winner is Kayla. She wrote a fantastic play script which she performed well with her group.

In Maths, we have continued to look at fractions. The children have been looking at equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting fractions.

In RE, we have looked at the events of holy week for Christians where we talked about Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

The children also enjoyed looking at properties of rocks in Science and investigating and creating snapping crocodiles in DT.

We hope you a have a great weekend.

Mrs Fairclough, Miss Shadbolt and Mrs Davies

Sycamore Class Newsletter 3.3.23

Hello everyone,

We have had a busy first week back. The children all looked great dressed up for World Book Day yesterday. They enjoyed talking about World Book Day and their favourite characters.

Our Golden Certificate winner this week is Lila. She is a great member of our class who has a positive attitude to learning and always tried hard. Yesterday, Lila thought of some fantastic adjectives to describe her character. Well done!

This week in English, we have been looking at play scripts. We have been discussing what we liked about these and what we notice, acted out a range of different scripts and finding features of a play script using an example from our play ‘A Glint of Gold’.

The children have been busy practising for our play. Please can the children bring in their costumes by Friday 10th March and continue to practise their lines at home. Thank you.

In Maths, we have started to look about fractions. This week we have been understanding the whole and that numbers can be greater than 1. We have also been looking at number lines to find fractions and have been comparing and ordering fractions.

This half term in Science we will be learning about the rocks. We looked at the different types of rocks. Why not ask your child and see if they can tell you about the 3 different natural types of rocks.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Fairclough, Miss Shadbolt and Mrs Davies

Sycamore Class Newsletter 10.2.23

This week in English, we’ve been planning and writing our explanation text on the mummification process. We have been working on writing in paragraphs and using subheadings.

In Maths, we have been calculating the perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes. We have also been calculating missing lengths and using this to help them find the perimeter of shapes.

We’ve been looking at positives and negatives to going online in PSHE and designing a mosaic in Art.

Our Golden Certificate this week is Indie. She has a positive attitude to learning and tries hard in all subjects. She is eager to learn and reads daily at home. Well done, Indie. Keep up the hard work.

Thank you to all the parents who have brought back parents evening slips. We will see you Monday and Tuesday.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Fairclough, Miss Shadbolt and Mrs Davies