Beech Newsletter 12.4.24

It has been lovely to see all the children again after the Easter break and catch up on their news. On the first day back we had an exciting letter arrive from a deep-sea diver called Dillon with a box of objects to explore that he had found. The children were very excited and have enjoyed exploring the objects and the information books to learn more about the sea and some of the creatures that live there. They have also written some fabulous letters back to Dillon to thank him for sending us the box and also ask him about things they would like to know more about. They have also been drawing and writing about their favourite sea creature.

In Phonics we are revisiting some sounds that our end of term assessments showed the children needed further consolidation of so they can recognise them in words more easily and continue to build their fluency. Please remember to record in your child’s reading record each time they read with you. They should be able to sound out and blend the words in their book the re-read the sentence so they know what they have read. Books should be read at least three times to develop fluency and comprehension. If they find reading the whole book in one sitting challenging, aim for just a few pages. Just a few minutes each day can make all the difference.

This week we also introduced our new handwriting scheme – Kinetic Letters – and have been learning about the importance of being “strong for writing”, engaging our ‘powerpacks’ (core) and holding our pencils correctly. As part of this we have been practising different Animal positions to help build their strength and develop their posture so they can adopt an effective writing position. There will be more information coming out to you about this over the coming weeks.

In Maths we have started our new unit exploring numbers beyond 10 and have been learning how all the numbers between 10 and 20 are ‘one ten’ and something and learning the correct number name for that e.g. one 10 and 3 is thirteen, one 10 and 5 is fifteen. The children have been exploring this by making the numbers using cubes, blocks and counters on a ten frame as well as reading the numerals.


PE continues to be on Fridays. Please ensure children come to school wearing their kits and with earrings removed as per school policy so they can fully participate in our gymnastics sessions this term. Thank you.

If you have any non-urgent queries, please feel free to email me on the class email or catch me on the playground after school.

Enjoy the Spring sunshine!

Miss Jones & Mrs Kenny