Willow Newsletter w/c 03.09.18

I welcome the children back to school. I hope you all had a fantastic and relaxing Summer. The children have returned invigorated and fully prepared for their last year at Crowmoor. We have spent part of the week baselining/assessing and learning new class routines. We started our history topic (WW1) and I look forward to continuing it next week. Our 5 week swimming programme starts next Friday and PE will take place on a Wednesday afternoon. Homework and the maths challenge go out on Fridays and spellings on a Tuesday with the test the following Monday. I look forward to the year ahead and meeting you all at the Autumn Term Parent’s Evening in November. In the meantime, please catch me on the playground if you have any queries. Have a great weekend.

Willow Newsletter w/c 16.07.18

Where has this week gone? The highlight had to be our ‘Darwin Rocks’ performances. The showings went very well and I was proud of all who took part. Thank you for supporting the children and your help with their learning of lines etc. We watched ‘The Greatest Showman’ and enjoyed our last game of rounders together. The class enjoyed their final assembly and sharing their memories of their time at Crowmoor. Thank you to the Friends – the children liked their leaving gifts. Thank you also for my end of year presents – they were not expected or necessary but were gratefully received :-). The school year has now ended and the children move to their new respective schools. I am confident each child will thrive in their new environment and I wish them all the very best. Have a fantastic and restful holiday.

Willow Newsletter w/c 09.07.18

Another week comes to a close; the penultimate week of term! The weather is slightly more comfortable at the moment but set to rise again. Well done to the Cricket Team – they came third in the competition at Belvidere on Monday. We have finished our Sex Ed program and have started an Ancient Greek study. We have also rehearsed for our play – if you haven’t booked tickets please do so as soon as possible. Showings are on Wednesday afternoon at 2pm and Thursday evening at 6pm. The children have their costume requests – in the event of query please do not hesitate in contacting me. Have a great weekend.

Willow Newsletter w/c 02/07/18

Another hot week but what an exciting one it was. The children thoroughly enjoyed Arthog and it proved to be a fantastic opportunity for the children to work together, problem solve, carry out different activities and was a chance to spend time with children from another school. The children all faced and conquered fears and their behavior was exemplary, as always. We have spent this week rehearsing for our play (flier to follow shortly) and we started our Sex and Relationship Education program. We will complete the program early next week and this will be developed further in Year 7. Have a fantastic weekend – enjoy the match and cool refreshments!

Willow Newsletter w/c 18.06.18

We have had a great week learning the songs for ‘Darwin Rocks’. Arthog is fast approaching, I recommend packing early to ensure everything on the checklist can be ticked off and to enable time for those last minute item purchases. We have looked at Global Goal 17 and tried to think about how we can help reduce crime around the world and how what we think governments can help. Our Anglo-Saxon topic is nearing an end – we learnt about Alfred the Great, runes and the ruling of England after the Viking invasion. Have a super weekend.