Willow Newsletter w/c 03.12.18

The children in Willow have worked so hard this week. We have completed our assessments and I will give feedback to the children when I have analysed all the data. Everyone tried their very best. The results and analysis helps me plan and it allows me a chance to reflect and amend groupings. It also highlights areas we can concentrate on within booster sessions after Christmas. The children have completed their accelerated reading test and have a ZPD code to assist in choosing books at their level of understanding; we’ll discuss this more in class next week. Thank you to those that attended the Accelerated Reading Launch; if you couldn’t make it the details/information will be placed on the website very shortly. We watched the EYFS nativity play on Friday and started our Christmas decorations for the trees – Christmas is coming! It is the Christmas lunch next Wednesday; if you haven’t already, please complete the slip, if appropriate, to confirm your child wants a Christmas dinner. Have a super weekend.

Willow Newsletter w/c 26.11.18

The Christmas season is amongst us! We will be making Christmas tree decorations next week and they will be on display on the school tree and our tree in St. Chad’s Church. We learnt about the Armistice this week and celebrated the war end by writing a newspaper report. In Maths we looked at division; the children are now more confident in answering calculations. In Literacy we completed our non-chronological report writing and wrote an ending to a story influence; this allowed the children chance to show off their newly acquired grammar skills. It’s our assessment week next week but we’ll still find time to have fun and continue our new ‘walk the mile’ initiative. Have a super weekend.