Homework for the children in Willow who are working from home (w/c 08/06/20)

Hi all

Please find the homework for the next fortnight. This homework is similar to the content we will cover in class and is specifically for the children who are working from home.

Work for Year 6 – w:c 8th June 2020

I will forward the SAT Paper on Tuesday as I want it to be fresh for the children who will be in school next week.

Hardcopies can be requested from the office, as usual.

Please continue to keep safe, happy and well.

Take care.

Mr Wilmot

Homework Answers w/c 11.05.20

Homework answers for homework set w/c 11.05.20. Please also see the new homework for the forthcoming week and the subsequent week. The answers to the new homework will be added on the 5th June.







New homework:


Have a splendid Half Term.

Keep safe.

New Fortnightly Themed Project – The Ancient Olympics

I am hoping everyone is well and healthy. Here’s the next fortnight’s themed topic work. It covers from this coming Monday until Sunday 7th June. It includes next week, the forthcoming half term week and the week after that. If we do return prior to the completion date we may dip into areas from the project whilst at school.

Work for Year 6 – w:c 18th May 2020

As usual, hardcopy of the homework can be requested from the office. Please contact them directly and they will prepare for its collection.

The themed-homework this time consists of two pages only – this is to cut down on your printing as the subsequent pages were sent in previously set work.

Please encourage your children to dip into the areas that interest them – the themed-homework is meant to be a little fun and is optional.

Have a good weekend. In the event of query please contact the office and they will forward any questions to me directly.

Please keep safe and healthy.

Homework w/c 11/05/20

Here’s the homework for this week and the answers for last week. Just dip into what you can, I appreciate it might be hard and the guidance/support is limited.







The homework for this week:

Homework w:c 11:05:20

Answers to follow next week as always. Don’t forget to use athletics – I have reassigned work for you.

Stay safe.