Willow Newsletter w/c 12.11.18

Well done to all the children that took part in the Bikeability course. All passed and were a credit to the school. The instructors were impressed with their cycling and listening skills. We continued with our reasoning skills particularly with prime, squared and cubed numbers and multiples and in Literacy we revised the features of a non-chronological report. In History we learnt about the ‘1914 Christmas Truce’ and in PSHE we learnt more about climate control. It is National Anti-bullying Week; we spent a little time discussing what bullying is, what different types there are and what we can do if we experience it. A busy but successful week. Have a super weekend.

Willow Newsletter w/c 18.06.18

We have had a great week learning the songs for ‘Darwin Rocks’. Arthog is fast approaching, I recommend packing early to ensure everything on the checklist can be ticked off and to enable time for those last minute item purchases. We have looked at Global Goal 17 and tried to think about how we can help reduce crime around the world and how what we think governments can help. Our Anglo-Saxon topic is nearing an end – we learnt about Alfred the Great, runes and the ruling of England after the Viking invasion. Have a super weekend.