Sycamore Class Newsletter 17.5.24

Happy Friday!

This week we’ve been looking at informal letters in our writing sessions. The children have been working on using questions and apostrophes for contractions (e.g can’t), in their writing. In Maths, we’ve been looking at multiplication and division.

The children enjoyed making switches in our science lesson. We talked about the job of a switch and used one in our circuits. In design and technology, we’ve looked at attachment techniques ready to help us design our bridges.

Our Golden Certificate winner this week is Reggie. He’s been trying really hard and making good choices. Well done!

We hope you have a great weekend.

Mrs Fairclough and Mrs Brunyard

Sycamore Class Newsletter 26.4.24

Good afternoon,

In our writing session this week, the children have been finishing writing their character description. They have written a character description on Ariki and Ipo from our class book.

Our Golden Certificate winner this week is Betsy. She wrote a fantastic character description using fronted adverbials, emotive sentences and expanded noun phrases. Well done!

In maths we’ve started our unit on money. We’ve been writing money using decimals, converting between pounds and pence, comparing amounts, estimating and calculating with money.

This afternoon, the children had some fantastic ideas on what they thought Jesus would want the world to be like.

We hope you have a great weekend.

Mrs Fairclough and Mrs Brunyard

Water bottles!

Hello everyone,

Does anyone recognise any of these water bottles? They have been in the classroom for a little while and no one seems to want to claim them. They must belong to someone in Sycamore! Please email if they belong to your child and we will make sure that they return home.


Mrs Brunyard

Sycamore Class Newsletter 15.3.24

Good afternoon,


This week we have been planning and writing our own non-chronological report in our writing sessions. We have almost finished our book ‘Rumaysa’ in our reading sessions.


In Maths, we finished our first unit on decimals and then have been recapping multiplication and division.


In Science this half term, we have been looking at scientists and inventors. After talking about Thomas Edison, the children enjoyed thinking of their own inventions.


Our Golden certificate winner this week is Grace. She is a kind, caring and helpful member of Sycamore Class who tries hard and always has a big smile on her face. Grace is constantly growing in confidence and has been contributing more to our class discussions. Well done!


We hope you have a great weekend.


Mrs Fairclough and Mrs Brunyard