Willow – 21.4.23

Good afternoon,


I hope you all had a good Easter break. Most of the children have come back very focused and trying really hard, which is fantastic.


In English, the children have been writing a persuasive letter, trying to convince me of the best game to play. In geography, we have started our new topic of exploring North and South America and in art we have started looking at faces which will lead in to our look at the Maya civilisation.


In maths this week, we have started looking at shape and angles. One child who has really grasped this area and has helped explain processes to other children, and who is this week’s Golden Certificate winner is Adam, congratulations.


Our P.E. days are still Thursday and Friday, however this coming week we do have an extra P.E session on Monday (24.4.23).


Please remind the children to keep up the daily reading at home,


Mr Reynolds