Remote Learning Schedule for Autumn Term

In the event of your child being off for 14 days due to COVID symptoms please see the attached Remote Learning Schedule for the Autumn Term. This schedule follows broadly what we are doing in class so please remain in the correct weeks to ensure continuity. The links will open tutorials and activities for your child to complete.

Willow Class Remote Learning Schedule (Autumn Term)

In the event of any query please contact me directly on and I will respond as soon as I can.

Keep safe.

Mr Wilmot

New Class Layout (2020/21)

As a result of COVID-19 Guidance the layout of the class has slightly changed. I used to have five tables that housed a group of six children on each; however, current advice is to place the children in rows of four. I attach photos to show you what it will be like – I think it works.

Photos of class

Myself and Mrs Lewis look forward to welcoming you back in September. There will be some changes from the norm but we will endeavour to make it as comfortable as possible. More guidance will follow and I will discuss the changes with your children when they return.

Have a fantastic holiday an see you all ready for the Autumn Term.

Take care and be safe.

Mr Wilmot