Sycamore Class Newsletter 3.5.24

Happy Friday!

This week, we’ve been looking at setting descriptions in our writing sessions. After analysing an example text, we looked at fronted adverbials and relative clauses. We also went over using descriptive language and expanded noun phrases, before writing our setting descriptions today. The children also loved trying to include our word of the week ‘plethora’ into our writing.

In maths, we’ve started our unit on time. Today we looked at analogue and digital time and AM and PM. I wonder if the children can show you what they’ve learnt by looking at any clocks you have at home, or when out and about over the weekend.

We’ve also been looking at insulators and conductors in science and the importance of good hygiene in PSHE.

Our Golden Certificate winner this week is Anya. She’s been eager to learn, working hard and contributing well to class discussions. Well done, Anya!

We hope you have a lovely long weekend.

Mrs Fairclough and Mrs Brunyard