Homework for Autumn Term

Hi Parents/Carers and Members of Willow Class

Please find the attached homework options. Your child should know what to do. The homework was given a week last Friday and isn’t due in until the beginning of the next half term (early November).

Copy of homework below…

POWer Project – Wild Waters 1

The children can select an area of interest (that links to our topic for the half term) and the idea is they produce an output that provides POWer points. The more POWer Project points the better but a minimum of 5 is the expectation. They can choose any option and more than one from each POWer point value box.

The homework might fit in their books, if so please encourage them to stick it in to avoid it getting lost. They may make a model, if so this will not fit in their book but can be displayed in the classroom for all to enjoy. If they create a minecraft settlement they could take screen shots and attach them to a document to add to their books.

The homework should interest the children, they choose how they engage with it; it follows the line of a project as opposed to a set piece of work.

In the event of query please ask your child or alternatively catch me at the end of the school day. Please also see the Parent/Child Guide to homework that your child has stuck at the front of their homework book.

Thank you for supporting your child.

Kind regards

Mr Wilmot