Chestnut Newsletter 3.5.24

Week 4 of Summer Term completed already! Not that we’ve had a lot of summer weather:(

This week the children have enjoyed learning about the fictional Isle of Struay in the Katie Morag books. We have extended our vocabulary as we compared her two grandmothers and used conjunctions to retell the story. You can listen to the book here 

In maths, we have been describing position and direction. We have had lots of practical experience learning left, right, above, below, between, in front of, behind, on top of… and lots more. Ask your child to describe the position of an object in your home.  In the next few weeks we will be learning Place Value to 100 and lots of revisiting what we have learnt so far to make sure the knowledge and skills are embedded.

Our science lesson took part outside this week, there was a small window of sunshine on Wednesday afternoon! All the children enjoyed finding and recording signs of spring into summer. It was great to get out into the garden to see plants, flowers and shrubs starting to grow. The children saw birds carrying worms, bees pollinating flowers and buds beginning to open. Our seedlings are getting stronger and will soon be ready to plant out.

We have tasted more dips from around the world in preparation for designing our own dips. I have been impressed by the children’s openness to trying new tastes.

Enjoy the extended weekend!

Mrs Dowell, Mrs Armstrong and Mrs Savory.