Walk to school week

Next week (21st – 25th May) is Walk to School Week.  This is a week each year when we encourage children to walk all or part of their way to school  and remind them of the health, road safety and environmental benefits.  As a school we will be taking part in Walk to School Week and collating information about how our pupils come to school.  We will be running a whole school competition and the class with the most children who walk, scoot or ride their bikes to school will win a prize.

May Fayre

We would like to say a massive thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to come along to the May Fayre on Saturday and support the event. I think you will agree that the event was extremely successful! and a good family day out! The school would like to say a special thank you to the Friends of Crowmoor who dedicated their own time to plan and run this event raising money for our school.

If you think you could help the Friends out with events or want to be involved with the Friends we would appreciate some extra pairs of hands! If you are interested please contact Chair of the friends Jane Conde or come up to the school office.


Breakfast club

Please can I remind all parents and carers who send their children to breakfast club that the club starts at 8am. Please do not for Health and Safety reasons drop your children off at school before this time or leave them unattended. You are however, welcome to wait with them in reception early if you arrive before 8am.
