Message from Mr P

Dear Parents/Carers

It has been a great first week back, with a nearly full school and new pupils joining us, (Elm Class winning the attendance award with 100%) and great weather. Spring is definitely with us and we are also starting to see “green-shoot” opportunities for “normal” activities to resume.

You will be receiving invitations to this term’s Parents/Carers Consultation Evenings very shortly.These are always crucial in sharing how home and school can support the best outcomes for the pupils. With all the damage caused by COVID to learning they are even more important. They will be held using the Teams virtual platform and each session will be 10 minutes long. The good news is that they cannot over-run as they are virtual. We hope that the fact you are able to access them from home means that they will be easier for you to attend.

We have planned for the Year 6 end of term treat, Assembly and Leaver’s Hoodies and the Arthog Residential on the Welsh Coast has a stronger chance of happening, though it may be very close to the 7th June start date that it is confirmed.

The School is proud to have been selected as one of the National Nature Friendly Schools. A scheme designed to use the outside environment to help children be less anxious and more successful. The County Mental Health Team have started their  work supporting children and groups in school. Our Academic Mentors and our Tutor are working with lots of pupils to help ensure that they minimise the gaps in their learning ,caused by COVID. Please ensure your children attend as this is such a marvellous one -off opportunity

The positives we are seeing must not let us become complacent about the safety measures that we have established to keep everyone safe.

Please remember:

  • 2 metres from people not in your bubble, especially when leaving the playground
  • Masks
  • only 1 adult per household
  • Not to arrive at school until 8.40 am

We are looking forward to all that the children can and will achieve this term and the hope that the continued vaccinations will further allow us to resume “normal” working.

Mr P


This week has been very busy and all the children have settled back into school well.  Our topic this term is Indian Spice, we have been learning where India is and asking questions  about the country and its people.  Today we had an Indian banquet.  We tasted lots of different Indian foods. The photos are on tapestry for you to see.  In maths we are learning about multiplication and division.  This week we have been counting in 2, 5 and 10.  I have emailed the children a short quiz for them to complete and return, please help your child to access the quiz but answer for themselves.
Now that the weather is becoming warmer please send a hat into school for play time and put sun cream on before coming to school. Children can bring sun cream into school, but must be able to apply it themselves.

Enjoy the weekend