Oak Class Weekly Newsletter 11.11.22

Happy Friday!

I would like to start off by saying how proud I am of Oak Class today for how well they paid their respects for Remembrance Day at swimming. The swimming staff all commended Year 5 on their behaviour today. Well done!

In Literacy, the children have begun to look at character descriptions, where they have looked at all different characters and used grammar features to upgrade their sentences when describing them. We will continue to look at this next week, where the children will create their own character in WW2.

In Maths, we have begun a new unit on Fractions. The children have made a great start to this, and I have seen some great contributions throughout the week.

This week our Golden certificate Winner is Logan for his great improvement in his attitude to learning. His efforts have been noticed especially in Maths by Mr Bates. He will take the Oak Class Diary home this weekend. Well Done Logan!

To top off a great week, Oak Class also won the attendance award this week! A great improvement! As a result, we all enjoyed eating our jelly babies this afternoon, whilst watching Newsround.

See you all next week (hopefully we can win more jelly babies 🙂 )

Miss Hipkiss and Miss Nicholas