Sycamore Class Newsletter 17.3.23

It has been another busy week practising for our play next week. Thank you to all the children who have brought their costumes in ready. If they haven’t, please make sure they are in on Monday (20th). Tickets for the performances have gone home today.

In English, the children have been planning, writing and performing their play script in groups. The children really enjoyed performing them and it helped them check they had included all the features and things they could improve on.

This week our Golden Certificate winner is Kayla. She wrote a fantastic play script which she performed well with her group.

In Maths, we have continued to look at fractions. The children have been looking at equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting fractions.

In RE, we have looked at the events of holy week for Christians where we talked about Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

The children also enjoyed looking at properties of rocks in Science and investigating and creating snapping crocodiles in DT.

We hope you a have a great weekend.

Mrs Fairclough, Miss Shadbolt and Mrs Davies