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Starting School


Here at Crowmoor we want to make your child’s transition to us as smooth as possible. If you wish your child to start with us in Reception you will need to apply with the Local Authority. Further details regarding this can be found in our Admissions Policy.


Once we have our list of applicants from the Local Authority we write to Parents/Carers asking them to come in for induction. Our inductions consist of separate sessions where parents/carers receive a talk from the Class Teacher, get the opportunity to meet the Headteacher and then there are the opportunities for pupils to attend taster sessions prior to them starting in September.


During these taster sessions Parents/Carers are required to fill in School Admissions forms so we have up to date information for your child before they start with us in September.

If you want to discuss your child starting School with us, please contact the school office.

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