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At Crowmoor, for P.S.H.E. (Personal Social Health and Economics) we follow the P.S.H.E. Associations Thematic Model. In this model there are three core themes:


  1. Relationships – which includes: families and friendships, safe relationships, respecting ourselves and others.

  2. Living in the wider world – which includes: belonging to a community, media literacy and digital resilience, money and work

  3. Health and Wellbeing – which includes: physical health and mental wellbeing, growing and changing, keeping safe


As part of the third theme (Health and Wellbeing), in the unit of growing and changing, we teach R.S.E. (Relationships and Sex Education). For this, we deliver the Shropshire Respect

Yourself Eat Better, Move More program, this includes the transition unit for Year 6 to Year 7.

For years 1 and 2 the program is based mainly on relationships and knowing the scientific terminology for body parts (which links to our statutory requirement in science).

In years 3 and 4 this goes a step further and discusses puberty (again linking to our science on life cycles and growing and changing).


In year 5 and 6 the children then take another step and discuss how a baby is conceived and child birth, this is all carried out at the appropriate level for children of this age. However for these two parts, if a parent/carer wishes, their child can be withdrawn from the lesson. The way in which this done is, each year during the week after May half-term, a letter will come home with a slip to fill out and return to school by the specified date, to withdraw your child from just these two aspects – as the rest is mandatory.

Please see below for the specific objectives that are taught in each year:

Year 1 and 2

  • Identify and recognise their skills and abilities

  • Understand the difference between boys’ and girls’ bodies naming the external body parts

  • Recognise and respect differences

  • Compare and contrast themselves with others

Year 3

  • To prepare for and understand changes that occur as part of puberty

  • To recognise physical and emotional changes

  • To develop understanding on puberty and menstruation

Year 4

  • To understand during puberty a body changes from a child to an adult

  • To recognise and understand emotional and physical changes

  • To be confident and aware of life cycle changes

  • To understand everyone experiences puberty differently

  • To understand some basic facts about pregnancy

  • To tackle myths around puberty

Year 5

  • To know and understand the physical and emotional changes that take place in puberty, why they happen and how to manage them.

  • To know and understand life processes common to humans, including reproduction

  • To know and understand about personal hygiene and keeping safe

Year 6

  • To consider why honesty, loyalty , understanding and respect are important in relationships

  • To recognise their own worth and identify positive things about themselves and others

  • To appreciate similarities and differences between people

  • To discuss and ask questions about changing bodily needs

  • To know changes at puberty affect bodily hygiene

  • To know that body changes are a preparation for sexual maturity

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