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Oak Newsletter 20.9.24

Crowmoor Teacher

Updated: Sep 21, 2024

Welcome to Oak Class!

We have had an exciting start to our time in Year 5: starting new topics, bonding as a class and carrying out some fantastic activities.

In English, we have started to read 'Letters from the Lighthouse', which is a book set back in WW2. This links to our over-arching theme for the Autumn term and we have focused on evacuation. The children have been engaged in getting to know the characters and the story line and we are excited to find out more. Therefore, in our writing lessons we have written setting descriptions of a bombed WW2 city during an air raid. The children have used some fantastic adjectives to make their writing interesting for the reader.

In Maths, we have been focusing on 'Place Value'. We have been developing our previous knowledge of number and looking at numbers up to 1million!

In French this week, we had a fantastic time singing songs and are now fluently singing 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' in French! We have even started to implement French phrases in our everyday routines.

Our Certificate Winner this week is Kacie! Well Done!

Please keep an eye out for the termly overview coming home tonight, as this will give you an overview of what we are learning this term.

If you have any questions or need to get into contact, please email on

Miss Hipkiss and Miss Nicholas

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