Happy New Year!
I hope that you were all able to enjoy family time together over the Christmas Break. It was great to welcome the children back into school. They all had so much to tell me!
We have started the year with the story of Puss in Boots retold by Axel Sheffler. They all recognised him as the illustrator to many Julia Donaldson books.

The children used a word bank to construct description sentences using adjectives to describe nouns.
'Puss in Boots had a pink nose and long whiskers.'
This week, in maths, we have completed our 'Place Value within 20' unit of work. Next week we will begin to add and subtract within 20. This will build on the previous work we did within 10. It is important for your child to know their number bonds to 10. This will help them with number bonds to 20.
If they know 7 + 3 = 10 then they know 17 + 3 = 20.
PE continues on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Plain white or Crowmoor Primary School T-shirt you can also wear plain white non branded t shirts.
Navy blue PE shorts
Black plimsolls or PE trainers
so allowed
Children must wear correct uniform on the other days. B
This includes black shoes or plain black trainers.
Plain black ankle boots are allowed. No other boots are allowed.
Please look out for an overview of our learning this term. It should be in your child's bag. A reminder that book bags, reading records and reading books need to be in school everyday.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Dowell, Mrs Armstrong and Mr Jones.