Chestnut Class continue to be champions in their attitude to learning! They have all enjoyed sharing the book 'Harry and the Dinosaurs make a Splash!' They have written a diary entry pretending to be Harry on his visit to the water park. They all got the hang of writing in the first person by using 'I' and My'. What fun he had! Next week there are more adventures with Harry.

Our main focus in writing has been correct letter formation, starting a sentence with a capital letter and ending with a full stop. They are also learning the importance of leaving spaces between words! We need to make sure these basics are in place from the start of the year.
We have completed our first maths block about Place Value within 10. Next week we will start Addition and Subtraction within 10. Ask your child to sing the Number Bond Song to you; It's very catchy!

This week the children learnt new ways to represent some phonemes they already know:
'ay' as in play
'ou' as in cloud
'oy' as in toy
'ea' as in treat
Please make sure your child has their book bag in school everyday. We need to record their daily Reading Journey.
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I am on a First Aid Course. I will be in school early each morning to set up and catch up with how the children have been getting on. I'll look forward to seeing them all on Thursday.
Mrs Dowell and Mrs Armstrong.