Letter from Mr Parkhurst

Dear Parents/Carers

For those of you with children returning next week, we have confirmed the Year 1 and Year 6 bubble that your child is in.

It is vitally important to keep everyone safe and that you follow the procedures set out in my original letter (available on the website). We will be fine-tuning procedures as more children start back. Senior staff will in the first few weeks be around the site to assist pupils and parents in following the new procedures; please respect their safety and maintain social distancing if you need to ask them for advice.


Please bear with us as we only have Miss Cave working in admin at the moment. Please try to email the admin@crowmoorschool.co.uk address or leave a message if the phone cannot be answered. We are still are not accepting any visitors to school.


There are now circles at 2 metre intervals on the main path into school, please ensure that you maintain the 2 metres distance . There is a One-Way system you must enter through the Main Gate and leave via the Side Gate.

You must be on time for the bubble your child is in both in the morning and if you are collecting in the afternoon. (If parents cannot comply with the times we are afraid that your child will not be able to attend).We cannot allow any child in next week if we have not had the revised Home School Agreement completed and returned(it can be handed over on the first morning).You need to ensure that we have your up to date contact number as if pupils show symptoms and we cannot contact you it is likely that we will need to send them to hospital.

The children will be able to line up behind their “Bubble Letter” at their Collection Zones. Again two metre marks have been created for you and the children to stand on. After your child has been collected and their temperature taken we ask that you immediately leave by the Side Gate, before the next bubble arrives. The government guidance on preventing any loitering is very clear.


There is no consequence for absence as NO child has to be in School.Schools now have to complete the normal registers and mark children attending as present or absent,so we do need you to let us know if your child is ill.

Unless parents inform the school in writing or by phone on Monday morning that they will be collecting Year 6 pupils, we will allow all Year 6 children to go home on their own.

Key Workers/Vulnerable Children

They and their parents are the only visitors who should use the main path past the yellow line by the playground gate. If parents wish to wait with them you will need to stand on one of the 2 metre dots and then go back through the pedestrian gate in front of the Office, in order to maintain social distancing and leave the site across the playground through the Side Gate.We do request because of the increased demand that parents let us know if they no longer require child care for a specific day and if your child is ill we need to be informed.

Car Park

The Barrier has finally been replaced and so cars cannot use the car park ,especially as Key Worker Parents will be using some of the car park to exit the site safely.

The Possible Return of Other Classes

With regard to the possible return of more pupils,it is very unlikely that the school will be able to accommodate other year groups returning. The government’s rules are very clear : once staff work with one bubble they cannot then work with other children. We have used ALL available staff to allow the Year1 and 6 pupils back. We have planned to take more of these cohorts in the future and we have built in extra capacity for Key Worker’s children going forward, but under the current guidance and social distancing rules we will not be able to cater for anymore pupils.
Bubble Groups

Year Group Classroom Bubble Adults
1 Beech A Miss Jones, Mrs Armstrong am, Mrs Kearney pm
1 Chestnut B Mrs Dowell, Mrs Harris
6 Sycamore E Mrs Brunyard, Mrs Davies
6 Willow F Mr Wilmott , Mrs Evason
6 Oak G Miss Bliss, Miss Nicholas
Key Workers Hall Mrs Smith /Mrs Fairclough/Mrs Parkhurst/Mrs Lewis

Drop Off/Collection Areas

Year Group Collection Zone Bubble Arrival Times Collection Times
1 Playground A 9.10-9.20 3.10-3.20
1 Playground B 9.00-9.10 3.00-3.10
6 Obstacle Course E 8.50-9.00 3.20-3.30
6 Obstacle Course F 8.40-8.50 3.10-3.20
6 Obstacle Course G 8.30-8.40 3.00-3.10
Key Workers Front Entrance 8.30-8.40 3.30- 3.40
Arrive through Main Gate……………………..ONE WAY SYSTEM………………….Leave by Side Gate

Children Not Attending School

We will continue to publish tasks each fortnight and from next week staff will be contacting parents/pupils weekly.Mrs Parkhurst is keeping in touch with SEND pupils and Mrs Chapman is also calling her parents weekly. We all hope that you are coping in these extremely difficult circumstances and  that we can return to some sense of normality in September. Please contact us if you need support.

Yours Sincerely


Mr A J Parkhurst