Homework Answers for work set w/c 23/03/20

Hi everyone,

Here’s the answers for last week’s homework.






Hope this system is working. Mark your homework and see how you got on.

The following homework is for the next three weeks (over Easter; I’ll then publish the answers on the Friday in three week’s time when I set new).

Homework (Booster Books) w/c 30.03.20

Book Page Number Title

Arithmetic 30 & 31 Multiplying with Decimals
Geometry… 29 – 31 Perimeter and Area
Number… 27 – 29 Checking and Estimating
Grammar 28 & 29 Mixed Practice
Spelling 27 & 28 Words ending in…
Punctuation 32 & 33 Hyphens

I’ll set more work after the Easter Hols. Have a good break, stay in and keep safe.